anchorMasthead Enterprises Consign, Sell or Donate a Used Sail

Sell and Donate

For unwanted used sails or sails you want to sell, simply send or drop them off at our Masthead Enterprises facilities in Sarasota, Florida. You can call or email us for help with the shipping arrangements to our facilities. We will evaluate your sail for the current cash price for us to purchase it or consignment price for resale – you have options with our used sail brokerage, contact us for clarification. Our used sail inventory is accessible by our custom Sail Search Tool on this website for the world to view and purchase.

Please note, all sails delivered to us must have a minimum usable rating condition. To learn more about our used sails rating system, click on Sail Condition Rating Table page on this website. We reserve the right to select used sails based on our discretion to purchase for us to resell, consign, donate or reject. Sails we reject fail to meet our standards. For those customers that would like the rejected sail returned to them, they must pay the return shipping and handling fees or pick-up the sail at our facilities within 15 days.

We also accept donations on behalf of MORC (Midget Ocean Racing Conference) for a 501 (3) © tax deduction certificate.

When shipping a sail, be sure to include: your name, address, phone and whether you want to SELL, CONSIGN OR DONATE!


Consignment Policy

  • Masthead Enterprises, Inc. has the sole discretion to accept or reject product offered for consignment sale.
  • A 50% brokerage fee shall be charged for all consigned items at the time of sale.
  • An item’s value is established at the sole discretion Masthead Enterprises, Inc.
  • Consigned item(s) reclaimed earlier than ninety days (90) are subject to a charge of inspection fee of 10% of the item value, the fee minimum will be $10 and the maximum fee will be $50.
  • Masthead Enterprises, Inc. will make the sole decision on whether hardware item(s) will be placed online for sale or sails are placed online or items are displayed in our store.
  • Masthead Enterprises, Inc. requires a minimum a 3-day notice prior to reclaiming any consigned items.
  • The consignor bears the responsibility to contact Masthead Enterprises, Inc for the payment of any sold item.
  • Sails have a three (3) year consignment period with price reductions in the amount of 20% after the first twelve months, 30% after the second twelve months, and 50% after the third twelve months.
  • Hardware items have a two (2) year consignment period with a reduction in the amount of 50% at the end of the first twelve months and 50% at the end of the second twelve months.
  • The consignment period begins at the date consigned items are offered for sale.
  • At the end of an item’s consignment period, if the item remains unsold, it becomes the property of Masthead Enterprises, Inc. and is treated as abandoned.
  • Masthead Enterprises is not liable for any loss or theft of items placed on consignment.
  • Consignors offering items deemed to have no value at the time of initial inspection will be notified by e-mail or letter and will have thirty (30) days to reclaim their item after which Masthead Enterprises, Inc. will dispose of the items without further notice.
  • All accounting inquiries should be directed by email to