Can I sell my used sails to Masthead?

Yes ,we buy sails, place sails on consignment or offer a tax deduction/donation program. To proceed, send or bring your used sails to  our store. For further information, see our sell/consign policy and instructions in the Used Sail link.

I want to buy a used sail, but I don’t know my sail or rig dimensions?

We have a data base for rig dimensions that should contain your I, J, P, E measurements. Or email your information and I will send you a list. It’s okay to measure your old sail, but be aware that as a sail ages the luff rope tends to shrink. You will need to pull all the stretch out of the luff to simulate halyard tension. If you just lay the sail out on the ground and measure it without stretching it tight you will get a false measurement. Measurements off the boat rather than an old sail are always the best way!

Is the “I” length for my boat equal to my Headsail luff length?

No! The “I” length is a theoretical measurement from the top of the jib halyard sheave to an imaginary line drawn from the bow to the stern of the boat. The headstay is typically a bit longer than the “I”. But if you have a roller furling system you have to subtract for the offset of the furling drum and upper swivel. For an approximate luff length with a furler, you should subtract a minimum of 1.5’ from the “I” length. For the most accurate luff length, attach a tape measure to the upper swivel and measure down to the tack shackle of the drum.

Can you pick out a sail for me?

Yes, I can email a custom list of used sails and recommend the best sail for you needs.

Do you sell new sails?

For the more popular sailboats, we stock a large inventory of new sails that are in stock and ready to ship. We also sell custom made sails that have to be built to order. The lead time is generally 4-6 weeks.

Does Masthead make Bimini tops and custom canvas?

Yes, we have a Full Service Custom Canvas department. We design and build everything from complex Biminis, dodgers and enclosures to basic sail and boat covers.

How long would a sail or canvas repair take?

Sail repairs are all different and therefore the repair time varies but our general turn around rate is about 4-10 days.

What are your store hours?

Our Store hours are Monday through Friday 8:00-4:00.

Is Masthead Enterprises a Virtual Online store?

No. We have a 12,000 sq/ft air conditioned facility. We carry a variety of standard and “high tech” cordage, hardware from leading manufacturers including Harken, Ronstan and RWO. We do sell some used hardware, roller furling systems in our store.

What happens if the sail I ordered doesn’t fit my sailboat?

Is there a return policy? See our return policy.

I found a mainsail online, but it has the wrong type of luff slides. Can the slides be changed?

Yes, you can re-use your old shackles and slides or for a fee we can change the slides for you.

Can I order parts or sails and have them shipped to me?

Yes, ship most items out in one or two days.
If you can’t find your answer on the web page, please call us at 727-327-5361 or 941-351-6023.